The Corona crisis acts as a catalyst for accelerated changes in many areas - including Tango.

The Corona crisis acts as a catalyst for accelerated changes in many areas - including Tango.A non-representative poll on Facebook confirms my suspicion, that the term "NeoTango" (derived from Piazzolla's same song) has meanwhile been completely emptied of content and become a chimera.2/3 of all participants voted for "Everything is Neotango (Bach - Eminem) "90% of the music which is played at the most enjoyable Neotango parties, (…) has no tango roots." Elio When I organized my first tanguerilla »Neotango Underground« in 2004, the term was clearly defined and denoted a tango counterculture, that positioned itself against Standard Tango and ranged musically from the progressive orchestras of the post-EdO era (Pugliese / Piazzolla . …), over Tango Fusion bands of the early 2000s (Narcotango, Otros Aires, Gotan Project …) to the young orchestras located at CAFF (Astillero, Fernandez Fierro, …).Since the creeping dissolution of Neotango bands in 2011, the musical substance of Neotango was lost and consequently eroded under the

influence of DJanes and organizers of alternative events, lacking any historical knowledge. Neotango became an empty phrase that had no relation to tango and instead celebrated the entire heritage of world music.Everything is tango! "The only thing that matters is if I WANT to dance tango on it. Then it is tango music." Vio After several years of critically examining this development, my patience is now exhausted. I say goodbye to Neotango and describe my events in the future as Tango Nuevo! My events and Facebook groups have already been renamed accordingly.My main intention for the "rededication" was to end the endless, tiring discussion about terms and concepts and to find a new, unencumbered identity for my events. I was simply tired of being constantly ashamed of the boring and noisy „Neotango" or even having to justify myself to ahistorical, ignorant Neotango organizers for my tango-oriented music selection. »Traditional tango is put on the tradi dancefloor after all. Here we…

»In the matter of tango it is always very precarius to express an opinion. The risk to claim something fallacious about the tango or to offend living or dead historical persons of the genre is immense. It´s no valid question whether Carlos Gardel is an Argentinian or Uruguayan by birth - in fact it seems natural to assume that by Gotan Project the fourth tango revolution has taken place.«

What is neotango? And if so how many? A polemic to the relation of neotango and Retro Tango »In the matter of tango it is always very precarius to express an opinion. The risk to claim something fallacious about the tango or to offend living or dead historical persons of the genre is immense. It´s no valid question whether Carlos Gardel is an Argentinian or Uruguayan by birth - in fact it seems natural to assume that by Gotan Project the fourth tango revolution has taken place.« Philippe Cohen Solal, Gotan Project The guess that Diego Siegelwachs supposed in his article of 2007 »GOTAN PROJECT and the fourth tango revolution« unmistakable has been proved to be true.(cf. »La Revancha del Tango« of Gotan Project in 2001 marks not necessarily historically, but stylistically the birth of the neotango, to a trendy, danceable style mix of the tango with electronic beats and sounds. The neotango has lined up to burst open the congealed musical, dance-like,

social and communicative conventions of the tango of the 80th and 90th. Comparable to the formation of the jazz it melts the tango with impulses of the broad range of the contemporary youth culture, revitalises itself and regains its basic liveliness, power of innovation and improvisation.In this process it meets with disapproval by the exponents of the soi-disant »Tango Argentino « which refers his identity to the classicistic zenith of the Tango Ríoplatense, to the Tango d`Oro of the 40th. As this hegemonic, retrogressive claim demands exclusively all the form vocabulary of the tango - from dance through fashion to music - this position can be labeled as Retro Tango. »The concept denotes a cultural phenomenon which produces pieces of art or cultural achievements in general neither based on contemporary style codes nor as their creative advancements or as original new creations, but by recourse to concepts or styles of past periods.«(cf. The Retro Tango assimilated to a curious position…